Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Fillmore Butler County, KS Darrah Oil Company, LLC
Filson 1 Comanche County, KS C. J. Filson, LLC
Filson John Labette County, KS GRANT STAN & KRU
Fina Gobin Pratt County, KS Thomas Garner, Inc.
Fina Gobin Pratt County, KS Hoener, Ross
Finch Cowley County, KS AMITY EXPLORATIO
Finch Franklin County, KS McMullin, Douglas
Finch Franklin County, KS Humerickhouse Oil, LLC
Finch #1 Cowley County, KS Dawson-Markwell Exploration Co.
Finch 1 Meade County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Finch 1 Meade County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Finch 1 Stevens County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Finch Cleo Rooks County, KS Leroy Holt Oil Operations
Finch II Franklin County, KS Tenk, Lawrence O.
Finch W Franklin County, KS NUSS SALLY
Finch-Klassen Marion County, KS C & S WELL SERVI
Fincham Pratt County, KS Thoroughbred Associates L.L.C.
Fincham Pratt County, KS BLACK W K PRODUC
Fincham Pratt County, KS Kansas Crude, Inc.
Fincham Pratt County, KS BP EXPLORATION I
Fincham Pratt County, KS P & P Producing, Inc.
Fincham Seward County, KS ANADARKO PETROLE
Fincham Sumner County, KS BULLSEYE PETROLE
Fincham Pratt County, KS Apollo Energies, Inc.
Fincham Seward County, KS ANADARKO PROD
Fincham Seward County, KS ANADARKO PROD
Fincham Pratt County, KS BOWERS DRILLING
Fincham Pratt County, KS HUMMON CORPORATI
Fincham Pratt County, KS HUMMON CORPORATI
Fincham Pratt County, KS Apollo Energies, Inc.
Fincham Pratt County, KS Plains Petroleum Operating Company
Fincham Pratt County, KS Plains Petroleum Operating Company
Fincham #1 Pratt County, KS Apollo Energies, Inc.
Fincham 'A' Pratt County, KS RAYMOND OIL COMP
Fincham 'A' 1 Seward County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Fincham 'A' 2 Seward County, KS Pantera Energy Company
Fincham 'A' 2 Seward County, KS Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Fincham 'A' 3 & 4 Seward County, KS Pantera Energy Company
Fincham 'A' 3-30 Haskell County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Fincham 'A' 3-30 Haskell County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Fincham 'A' 4-30 Haskell County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Fincham 'A' 4-30 Haskell County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Fincham 'B' Pratt County, KS RAYMOND OIL COMP
Fincham 'B' 1 Seward County, KS Pantera Energy Company
Fincham 'B' 1 Seward County, KS Pantera Energy Company
Fincham 'B' 1-32 Haskell County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Fincham 'B' 1-32 Haskell County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Fincham 'B' 2-32 Haskell County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Fincham 'B' 2-32 Haskell County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Fincham 'B' 2H Seward County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
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