Lease Summary Lease Name: Matthew Operator: Dieter Prod Comp County: Marion County, KS Production Dates on File: May 1980 to December 1986
Production By Month For Matthew Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Matthew oil and gas production between May 1980 and December 1986
Leases Near Matthew A. Stika - 5 Lease Demand Lease Franta Frank A Lease Haas 'A' Lease KRCH 'A' Lease KRCH (B) Lease Lincolnville Ex Lease Maiers-Combs Lease Meier Lease Stika Anton Lease Stika Chas. Lease Stika Emma Lease Stika Peter Lease Svitak A-1 Lease Wright C Olsen Lease
Leases Near Matthew A. Stika - 5 Lease Demand Lease Franta Frank A Lease Haas 'A' Lease KRCH 'A' Lease KRCH (B) Lease Lincolnville Ex Lease Maiers-Combs Lease Meier Lease Stika Anton Lease Stika Chas. Lease Stika Emma Lease Stika Peter Lease Svitak A-1 Lease Wright C Olsen Lease
Operators in the Area Alexander Prod S Alexander Production Service B & B Oil Compan Dieter Production Company H & H Oil Compan H & H Oil, LLC Hett Oil & Gas, LLC MP Oil Operations Pritz Maurice G Randon Production Co. Randon Production Company Inc. Shawmar Oil & Gas Co., Inc. Shawmar Oil Comp Silhan, Terry
Operators in the Area Alexander Prod S Alexander Production Service B & B Oil Compan Dieter Production Company H & H Oil Compan H & H Oil, LLC Hett Oil & Gas, LLC MP Oil Operations Pritz Maurice G Randon Production Co. Randon Production Company Inc. Shawmar Oil & Gas Co., Inc. Shawmar Oil Comp Silhan, Terry