Lease Summary Lease Name: Goering C H Operator: Derby County: McPherson County, KS Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available
Leases Near Goering C H Arnold Lease Boesker Lease C. H. Goering Lease Chavez Lease Chavez Lease Chavez Lease Goering Lease Goering C H Lease Goering Chris 'A B' Lease Huxman David Lease Krehbiel Lease Lydia Goering Lease Meyer 01 Lease Meyer Fred D Lease Preheim 505 01 Lease
Leases Near Goering C H Arnold Lease Boesker Lease C. H. Goering Lease Chavez Lease Chavez Lease Chavez Lease Goering Lease Goering C H Lease Goering Chris 'A B' Lease Huxman David Lease Krehbiel Lease Lydia Goering Lease Meyer 01 Lease Meyer Fred D Lease Preheim 505 01 Lease
Operators in the Area American Energies Pipeline, LLC Anderson Energy, Inc. Bandy Paul L Blackstone Drill Bruce Oil Compan Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Co. CFM 66 LLC Haven Oil & Gas Loewen E K Loewen Operator Loewen Operator, Inc. R J Operating Co. Ratzlaff, Steven V & R Oil Vincent Oil Corp
Operators in the Area American Energies Pipeline, LLC Anderson Energy, Inc. Bandy Paul L Blackstone Drill Bruce Oil Compan Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Co. CFM 66 LLC Haven Oil & Gas Loewen E K Loewen Operator Loewen Operator, Inc. R J Operating Co. Ratzlaff, Steven V & R Oil Vincent Oil Corp