Lease Summary Lease Name: Blackmore Fran Operator: R M Enterprise County: Miami County, KS Production Dates on File: October 1990 to July 2001
Production By Month For Blackmore Fran Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Blackmore Fran oil and gas production between October 1990 and July 2001
Leases Near Blackmore Fran Ayres Lease Bradshaw Lease Carter Chas. Lease Fee Lease Fee Simple Lease Fisher Lease Fisher Warren Lease Gieger Lease Kraft Lease Lucas Lease Lucas Florence Lease Lucas Owen Lease McGenny Lease Rollett-Geiger Lease Schulkneck Hen Lease
Leases Near Blackmore Fran Ayres Lease Bradshaw Lease Carter Chas. Lease Fee Lease Fee Simple Lease Fisher Lease Fisher Warren Lease Gieger Lease Kraft Lease Lucas Lease Lucas Florence Lease Lucas Owen Lease McGenny Lease Rollett-Geiger Lease Schulkneck Hen Lease
Operators in the Area Ayers John Black-Travis, Inc. Blackstone, Leo T. Bluetop Oil Comp Leach Well Pulli Moherman Richard Rowlett Jack G J So & Jo, LLC Steve'S Oilfield Steve'S Oilfield Service Town Oil Company Triple L True North Energy, LLC Tucker Dave Vast Petroleum Corporation
Operators in the Area Ayers John Black-Travis, Inc. Blackstone, Leo T. Bluetop Oil Comp Leach Well Pulli Moherman Richard Rowlett Jack G J So & Jo, LLC Steve'S Oilfield Steve'S Oilfield Service Town Oil Company Triple L True North Energy, LLC Tucker Dave Vast Petroleum Corporation