Lease Summary
Lease Name: West
Operator: Haas Petroleum, LLC
County: Miami County, KS
Production Dates on File: October 1982 to September 2021

15 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with West
Wells Associated With West
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-121-25176 ROBERT WEST 1-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-10-13 1982-10-25
# 15-121-25255 ROBERT WEST 10-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-11-10 1982-11-22
# 15-121-25263 ROBERT WEST 11-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-11-19 1982-12-01
# 15-121-25264 ROBERT WEST 12-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-11-22 1982-12-01
# 15-121-25265 ROBERT WEST 13-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-11-17 1982-12-01
# 15-121-24049 ROBERT WEST 14-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-12-15 1982-12-29
# 15-121-25177 ROBERT WEST 2-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-10-04 1982-10-25
# 15-121-25178 ROBERT WEST 3-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-10-18 1982-10-26
# 15-121-25229 ROBERT WEST 4-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-10-19 1982-10-25
# 15-121-25244 ROBERT WEST 5-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-11-02 1982-11-15
# 15-121-25245 ROBERT WEST 6-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-11-04 1982-11-15
# 15-121-25246 ROBERT WEST 7-82 Plugged and Abandoned 1982-11-10 1982-11-15
# 15-121-25253 ROBERT WEST 8-82 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-121-25254 ROBERT WEST 9-82 Converted to EOR Well 1982-11-11 1982-11-22
# 15-121-25254 ROBERT WEST 9-82 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00