Lease Summary Lease Name: Allen Operator: Sterling Explora County: Montgomery County, KS Production Dates on File: January 1989 to May 1989
Production By Month For Allen Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Allen oil and gas production between January 1989 and May 1989
Leases Near Allen Aemisegger Lease Allen Lease Allen Lease Bryant Stella Lease Bryant Stella Lease Chism 14-2 Lease Cox Lillian Mae Lease Crosslin 2-29 Lease Edna Mae Cox Lease Faler Marie Lease Faler Robert Lease Fowler 16-29 Lease Merrick Lease Merrick Lease Warren 11-29 Lease
Leases Near Allen Aemisegger Lease Allen Lease Allen Lease Bryant Stella Lease Bryant Stella Lease Chism 14-2 Lease Cox Lillian Mae Lease Crosslin 2-29 Lease Edna Mae Cox Lease Faler Marie Lease Faler Robert Lease Fowler 16-29 Lease Merrick Lease Merrick Lease Warren 11-29 Lease
Operators in the Area Argas Incorporat Argas Incorporated Asher, F. W. Cox, William H. Cox, William H. II Independence Energy LLC Jako Productions Jet Drilling Corporation Kelt Energy, Inc. McCartney Engine Q R S Production Redbud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC Sandefer Larry TR Crude LLC Williams Gas Pipeline Central, Inc.
Operators in the Area Argas Incorporat Argas Incorporated Asher, F. W. Cox, William H. Cox, William H. II Independence Energy LLC Jako Productions Jet Drilling Corporation Kelt Energy, Inc. McCartney Engine Q R S Production Redbud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC Sandefer Larry TR Crude LLC Williams Gas Pipeline Central, Inc.