Lease Summary Lease Name: Adams Beulah Ruby Operator: Maxam Incorporat County: Neosho County, KS Production Dates on File: May 1980 to March 1991
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Leases Near Adams Beulah Ruby Baldwin, Riley G. 5-1 Lease Baldwin, Riley G. 5-2 Lease Grinstead, Willis G. 3-1 Lease Heilman, Vern L. 5-1 Lease Heilman, Vern L. 5-2 Lease LDH Farms 4-1 Lease LDH Farms 4-2 Lease LDH Farms 4-3 Lease LDH Farms 4-4 Lease LDH Farms 4-5 Lease LDH Farms 4-6 Lease LDH Farms 5-1 Lease LDH Farms 5-2 Lease LDH Farms 5-3 Lease LDH Farms 5-4 Lease
Leases Near Adams Beulah Ruby Baldwin, Riley G. 5-1 Lease Baldwin, Riley G. 5-2 Lease Grinstead, Willis G. 3-1 Lease Heilman, Vern L. 5-1 Lease Heilman, Vern L. 5-2 Lease LDH Farms 4-1 Lease LDH Farms 4-2 Lease LDH Farms 4-3 Lease LDH Farms 4-4 Lease LDH Farms 4-5 Lease LDH Farms 4-6 Lease LDH Farms 5-1 Lease LDH Farms 5-2 Lease LDH Farms 5-3 Lease LDH Farms 5-4 Lease
Operators in the Area Burroughs Petrol Excel Oil Compan Holtom, Bill, A General Partnership Hudson Petroleum K W S Oil Devlop Katana Resources Lincoln 77, Inc. M & B Joint Oil M & C Oil Incorp Matlock, Randall K. MJ Energy, LLC Postrock Midcontinent Production LLC River Rock Operating, LLC Stich William A Venture Independent Petroleum, LLC
Operators in the Area Burroughs Petrol Excel Oil Compan Holtom, Bill, A General Partnership Hudson Petroleum K W S Oil Devlop Katana Resources Lincoln 77, Inc. M & B Joint Oil M & C Oil Incorp Matlock, Randall K. MJ Energy, LLC Postrock Midcontinent Production LLC River Rock Operating, LLC Stich William A Venture Independent Petroleum, LLC