Lease Summary Lease Name: Burghart Operator: Cleaver Loraine County: Neosho County, KS Production Dates on File: May 1984 to April 1987
Production By Month For Burghart Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Burghart oil and gas production between May 1984 and April 1987
Leases Near Burghart Alford Earl Lease Burghart Jon Lease Burghart,J. 4-1 Lease Heilman Neal Lease Leamon Family Trust 4-1 Lease Manahan,C. 33-1 Lease Mih,A.D. 3-1 Lease Mih,A.D. 3-3 Lease Mih,A.D. 4-1 Lease Pittman Kenneth Lease Pool, W. Eugene 33-2 Lease Pool,W.E. 33-1 Lease Pool,W.E. 33-2 Lease Slater, Thomas E. 1-9 Lease Union Cent 3-1 Lease
Leases Near Burghart Alford Earl Lease Burghart Jon Lease Burghart,J. 4-1 Lease Heilman Neal Lease Leamon Family Trust 4-1 Lease Manahan,C. 33-1 Lease Mih,A.D. 3-1 Lease Mih,A.D. 3-3 Lease Mih,A.D. 4-1 Lease Pittman Kenneth Lease Pool, W. Eugene 33-2 Lease Pool,W.E. 33-1 Lease Pool,W.E. 33-2 Lease Slater, Thomas E. 1-9 Lease Union Cent 3-1 Lease
Operators in the Area Double 'E' Oil-B Galemore Oil Co. Kottwitz Oil Co., A General Partnership Layton Oil Compa Leedy Oil Producers Long Shot Oil Co. Petrik Oil Pittman Kenneth Plant Oil Company Postrock Midcontinent Production LLC River Rock Operating, LLC Shaw Enterprise T C Production T.C. Productions
Operators in the Area Double 'E' Oil-B Galemore Oil Co. Kottwitz Oil Co., A General Partnership Layton Oil Compa Leedy Oil Producers Long Shot Oil Co. Petrik Oil Pittman Kenneth Plant Oil Company Postrock Midcontinent Production LLC River Rock Operating, LLC Shaw Enterprise T C Production T.C. Productions