Oil and Gas Leases in Norton County, KS

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Norton County, KS Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Norton County, KS
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Goings 1 Norton County, KS Northern Lights Oil Company, LLC
Goldsby Marion Norton County, KS DIAMOND CHEMICAL
Green Norton County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Griffey #1 Norton County, KS Northern Lights Oil Company, LLC
Griffin 'A' Norton County, KS FourWinds Oil Corporation
Grunert Norton County, KS Hummon Corp.
Hager Dean Estate 1-27 Norton County, KS MAXUS EXPLORATIO
Hager Trust 1-11 Norton County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Hager-Sproul 1-35 Norton County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Hansen Estate Norton County, KS Buck, Paul Jordan
Hansen Fee 'E' Norton County, KS Hrbek, R.L.
Hardy 1-14 Norton County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Harting Norton County, KS Apollo Energies, Inc.
Harting 1 Norton County, KS White Exploration, Inc.
Harting 1-11 Norton County, KS Apollo Energies, Inc.
Hazlett 1 Norton County, KS Northern Lights Oil Company, LLC
Hazlett 1-26 Norton County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Henderson Norton County, KS Fossil Energy, LLC
Henry Norton County, KS R. P. Nixon Operations, Inc
Henry Norton County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Hildebrand 1-15 Norton County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Hockman Norton County, KS Gore Oil Company
Horesky Farms Norton County, KS Chaco Energy Company
Horning Norton County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Horning 'B' Norton County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Jacobs TR 9-1 Norton County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Jacobson Norton County, KS Baird Oil Company LLC
JMNJ Farm 1-2 Norton County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
John Henry 1-26 Norton County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Juenemann Norton County, KS Castle Resources, Inc.
Juenemann 2-5 Norton County, KS BlueRidge Petroleum Corporation
Kats 'A' Norton County, KS NIXON R P OPERAT
Kemper Norton County, KS FourWinds Oil Corporation
Kemper Norton County, KS A. Scott Ritchie
Kemper Norton County, KS MURFIN DRILLING
Kemper Norton County, KS Darrah Oil Company, LLC
Kemper Norton County, KS unknown
Kemper Norton County, KS OZARK ENTERPRISE
Kemper Norton County, KS H & C OIL OPERAT
Kemper Norton County, KS Hrbek, R.L.
Kemper 'B' Norton County, KS FourWinds Oil Corporation
Kemper 1 Norton County, KS TexKan Resources, LLC
Kitzke 'A' Norton County, KS OXY USA Inc.
KS Brand Norton County, KS FourWinds Oil Corporation
KS Brand Unit Norton County, KS FourWinds Oil Corporation
Kuiken Trust Norton County, KS Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
Lang Norton County, KS Great Plains Energy, Inc.
Lang 22D Norton County, KS Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
Larsons SWD Norton County, KS Rice Engineering Corporation
Lawson 'A' Norton County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.