Operator Summary Operator Name: Albert J. Gebert And Century Oil Co. Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available 1 Total Wells
Wells Associated With Albert J. Gebert And Century Oil Co. Production Based on July 2024 Data API # Well Name Location Status # 15-051-20818 Seibel 1 Ellis County Spudded
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Alan Thomas H Alan Thomas H Etal Alb, Inc. Albert Borell Albert Breisach Albert Goering Albert H. Markham Albert R. Braun Oil Operations, LLC Albert R. Braun Oil Operations, LLC (Estate) Albert R. Jones Albert Robertson Albert Thornbrough Trust Albert W Jesseph Albert W. Borell Albert Wittman
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Alan Thomas H Alan Thomas H Etal Alb, Inc. Albert Borell Albert Breisach Albert Goering Albert H. Markham Albert R. Braun Oil Operations, LLC Albert R. Braun Oil Operations, LLC (Estate) Albert R. Jones Albert Robertson Albert Thornbrough Trust Albert W Jesseph Albert W. Borell Albert Wittman