Belco Energy Corp. Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Belco Energy Corp.
Address: 5735 PINELAND STE 300
DALLAS, TX 75231
Production Dates on File: January 1980 to December 2004

31 Total Leases

6 Currently Producing Wells

26 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Belco Energy Corp.
Leases Associated With Belco Energy Corp.
Production Based on August 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1001118766 GUY E. FLETCHER 1 Haskell County
# 1001118768 SPRUNGER 'A' Haskell County
# 1001119183 LEWIS WILDGEN Ness County
# 1001120241 M. L. REYNOLDS UNIT 'B' 2 Stevens County
# 1001135999 WULFMEYER H H Stevens County
# 1001136493 DUANE HAMLIN 1 Stevens County
# 1001137433 WAYNE LUCAS 4 Haskell County
# 1001137564 VERNON COMBS 1 Stevens County
# 1001137869 NIPPLE (1-U) Stevens County
# 1001138495 MARGARET BOVIE Stevens County
# 1001138754 VERNON COMBES 2 Stevens County
# 1001138870 SMITH UT 3 Stevens County
# 1001138926 K. U. ENDOWMENT 1 Stevens County
# 1001139439 BROLLIER 'D' 1 Stevens County
# 1001140519 WULFEMEYER Stevens County
# 1001142381 SHULER #1 Stevens County
# 1001143350 ANNA E. EBAUGH 1 Haskell County
# 1001149129 NIPPLE Stevens County
# 1001150485 MARY LAHEY Grant County
# 1001150612 SMITH 2-3 Stevens County
# 1001150658 SKINNER UNIT 'B' 1-2 Stevens County
# 1001151132 CLAUDE B DAVIS Stevens County
# 1001152631 GUY E. FLETCHER Haskell County
# 1001153506 K. U. ENDOWMENT Stevens County
# 1001175053 RAY BARTON (2) Stevens County
# 1001175232 CUTTER U T AR/M Seward County
# 1020034928 LEWIS Ness County
# 1020036013 BARNES ESTATE 26-1 Stevens County
# 1043937031 KU ENDOWMENT #2 Stevens County
# 1043937038 JACOB GOERING 2 Haskell County
# 1043937642 BRIGGEAN 25-1 Morton County
Wells Associated With Belco Energy Corp.
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 15-081-00016 SPRUNGER 'B' 1 Haskell County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-081-10112 SPRUNGER 'A' 1 Haskell County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-081-10113 SPRUNGER 'A' 2 Haskell County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-189-50001 George B. Strong Unit 5 Stevens County Recompleted
# 15-189-10171 M. L. REYNOLDS UNIT 'B' 2 Stevens County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-081-20412 JACOB M. GOERING 1 Haskell County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-081-20429 ANNA E. EBAUGH 1 Haskell County Recompleted
# 15-129-20790 BRIGGEMAN 25-1 Morton County Recompleted
# 15-187-20671 Kendrick 23-2 Stanton County Recompleted
# 15-189-20021 William Cutter 4 Stevens County Recompleted
# 15-189-20659 M. L. REYNOLDS UNIT 'B' 3 Stevens County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-189-20670 M. L. REYNOLDS UNIT 'C' 4 Stevens County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-189-20782 DUANE HAMLIN 1 Stevens County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-189-20784 H. H. Wulfemeyer 1 Stevens County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-189-20792 H. H. Wulfemeyer 2 Stevens County Recompleted
# 15-189-20875 Vernon Combes 1 Stevens County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-189-21047 SMITH UNIT 1-1 Stevens County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-189-21101 KU Endowment 1 Stevens County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-189-21142 KU Endowment 2 Stevens County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-189-21143 KU Endowment 3 Stevens County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-081-20429 ANNA E. EBAUGH 1 Haskell County Recompleted
# 15-081-20429 ANNA E. EBAUGH 1 Haskell County Recompleted
# 15-189-90192 ANDERSON TRUST 1 Stevens County Injection Authorization Termina
# 15-129-21589 HANKE TRUST 1 Morton County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
# 15-189-00027 ANDERSON TRUST 1 Stevens County Injection Authorization Termina
# 15-189-20781 NIPPLE 1 Stevens County Plugged and Abandoned