Operator Summary Operator Name: CMT Resources In Production Dates on File: December 1986 to February 1991 1 Total Leases
Production By Month For CMT Resources In Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to CMT Resources In oil and gas production between December 1986 and February 1991
Leases Associated With CMT Resources In Production Based on July 2024 Data Lease # Lease Name Location # 1001149626 WEBER Montgomery County
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Clyde Endicott Clyde M Becker Clyde Petroleum Clyde Petroleum, Inc. Clyde Thompson CMR Operating Co. CMT Petro Resources, Inc. CMX, Inc. CNG Producing Company CNR Resources In Co-Co Incorporat Co-Co, Inc. Co-Kan Oil & Gas Co-Kan Oil & Gas, Inc. Co-Op G.W. Project
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Clyde Endicott Clyde M Becker Clyde Petroleum Clyde Petroleum, Inc. Clyde Thompson CMR Operating Co. CMT Petro Resources, Inc. CMX, Inc. CNG Producing Company CNR Resources In Co-Co Incorporat Co-Co, Inc. Co-Kan Oil & Gas Co-Kan Oil & Gas, Inc. Co-Op G.W. Project