Energy Sources I Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Energy Sources I
Production Dates on File: January 1980 to July 1986

11 Total Leases

Map of Wells Associated with Energy Sources I
Leases Associated With Energy Sources I
Production Based on August 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1001118593 HOBBS Graham County
# 1001148095 EUDALY Montgomery County
# 1001154748 HONN 'A' Montgomery County
# 1001157275 KREHBIEL McPherson County
# 1001158802 HAAS KATIE Barber County
# 1001159023 HALL Ellis County
# 1001162805 USA 'C' Haskell County
# 1001162811 TRICE Barber County
# 1001174391 HAAS KATIE Barber County
# 1022197890 USA 'C' Haskell County
# 1022197896 TRICE Barber County