Ers Operating Company LLC Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Ers Operating Company LLC
Address: 18902 2ND PLACE WEST
Production Dates on File: June 1987 to June 2016

2 Total Leases

20 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Ers Operating Company LLC
Leases Associated With Ers Operating Company LLC
Production Based on July 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1001150252 MOORE LEASE Chautauqua County
# 1041035230 NELLIE MOORE Chautauqua County
Wells Associated With Ers Operating Company LLC
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 15-019-20475 LYALL MOORE 1-W Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-20509 WALTER MOORE 2-W Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-21793 DEAN MOORE 1 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-23787 L. MOORE 55 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22819 DEAN MOORE 14 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22822 RONNIE MOORE 28 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22823 RONNIE MOORE 31 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22824 DEAN MOORE 32 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22980 RONNIE MOORE 29 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22981 RONNIE MOORE 30 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22985 DEAN MOORE 45 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22986 RONNIE MOORE 46 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22987 RONNIE MOORE 47 Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22463 L. MOORE 4-B Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-26930 WALTER MOORE 7-A Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-22821 DEAN MOORE 27-A Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-19927 LYALL MOORE 1-C Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-27382 Nellie Moore 1-B Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-27515 Nellie Moore 2-B Chautauqua County ON LIST
# 15-019-27516 Nellie Moore 3-B Chautauqua County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)