Operator Summary
API # | Well Name | Location | Status |
# 15-207-26333 | SOLOMAN 6 | Woodson County | Plugged and Abandoned |
# 15-153-20524 | WEISHAPL 1 | Rawlins County | Plugged and Abandoned |
# 15-207-26243 | SOLOMAN 1 | Woodson County | Approved Intent to Drill |
# 15-207-26334 | SOLOMAN 5 | Woodson County | Approved Intent to Drill |
# 15-207-25692 | COOL 8 | Woodson County | Approved Intent to Drill |
# 15-207-25451 | CURTIS ABBEY SWD-1 | Woodson County | Injection Authorization Termina |
# 15-207-25741 | SOLOMAN 4 | Woodson County | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) |
# 15-207-25742 | Abbey 12 | Woodson County | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) |
# 15-207-25743 | SOLOMAN 3 | Woodson County | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) |
# 15-207-25861 | SOLOMAN 4 | Woodson County | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) |
# 15-207-25862 | SOLOMAN 3 | Woodson County | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) |
# 15-207-25530 | BOWERS 7 | Woodson County | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) |
# 15-207-25529 | COOL 7 | Woodson County | ON LIST |