Glickman Incorpo Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Glickman Incorpo
Production Dates on File: January 1980 to June 1988

33 Total Leases

Map of Wells Associated with Glickman Incorpo
Leases Associated With Glickman Incorpo
Production Based on August 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1001120259 COTTON Trego County
# 1001155908 REZNICEK 'A' Marion County
# 1001156180 KYNER Russell County
# 1001156330 STOUT Barton County
# 1001156442 CHRISTIANSEN McPherson County
# 1001156443 CLINARD McPherson County
# 1001156514 BISHOP McPherson County
# 1001157079 REIFSCHNEIDER Russell County
# 1001157296 MODDRELL McPherson County
# 1001159243 DREILING Graham County
# 1001159272 DREILING Graham County
# 1001173514 CHILDS Stafford County
# 1024459978 FORTNER McPherson County
# 1024459979 HOLDERMAN McPherson County
# 1024459980 KLEIWER McPherson County
# 1024459981 STATE GAME A McPherson County
# 1024459982 STATE GAME B McPherson County
# 1024459983 STATE GAME C McPherson County
# 1024459984 STATE GAME E McPherson County
# 1024459985 STATE GAME F McPherson County
# 1024459986 STATE GAME G McPherson County
# 1024459987 STATE GAME H McPherson County
# 1024459988 WENGER 'A' McPherson County
# 1024460972 BOYD McPherson County
# 1024461482 STRATMANN Ellsworth County
# 1024461868 MAXWELL A McPherson County
# 1024461869 MAXWELL 'B' McPherson County
# 1024461870 MAXWELL 'C' McPherson County
# 1024461934 FLEMING Saline County
# 1024462253 ANDERSON McPherson County
# 1024462454 HORESJI 'A' Ellsworth County
# 1024462831 JOHNSON H Rice County
# 1024462832 JOHNSON H Rice County