Operator Summary Operator Name: Kenneth Dole & Ed Dreiling Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available 1 Total Wells
Wells Associated With Kenneth Dole & Ed Dreiling Production Based on July 2024 Data API # Well Name Location Status # 15-179-20356 DAVIS 1 Sheridan County Plugged and Abandoned
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Kennedy And Mitchell, Inc. Kennedy Kenneth Kennedy, Howard Kennedy, Kenneth W. Kenneth & Regina Laymon, LLC Kenneth C. Keas Kenneth Casper Kenneth Johnson Kenneth Keas Kenneth Long Kenneth Melander Kenneth R. Johnson Kenneth Rupp Kenneth W. Cory, LTD. Kenneth Wimsett
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Kennedy And Mitchell, Inc. Kennedy Kenneth Kennedy, Howard Kennedy, Kenneth W. Kenneth & Regina Laymon, LLC Kenneth C. Keas Kenneth Casper Kenneth Johnson Kenneth Keas Kenneth Long Kenneth Melander Kenneth R. Johnson Kenneth Rupp Kenneth W. Cory, LTD. Kenneth Wimsett