Landowner Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Landowner
Production Dates on File: January 1980 to December 2008

51 Total Leases

53 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Landowner
Leases Associated With Landowner
Production Based on June 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1001106676 MCHALE Miami County
# 1001106766 CARL ELSHEIMER Montgomery County
# 1001107745 MCMILLEN Montgomery County
# 1001117474 STAAB Ellis County
# 1001118846 KUHN Hodgeman County
# 1001126149 BREWER Miami County
# 1001127205 DIEHL RICHARD Allen County
# 1001128752 HONN (A) Harper County
# 1001129421 HOWELL (B) Montgomery County
# 1001132862 PETERSON CHARL Montgomery County
# 1001133482 KIRKPATRICK (2- Ford County
# 1001135023 SPEIRS DANIEL Montgomery County
# 1001138189 E. F. ALLEN 1 Stafford County
# 1001138982 OLE B. S. Chautauqua County
# 1001139886 FARNEY Barber County
# 1001140853 CLARK 1 Kiowa County
# 1001141026 YOCOM Allen County
# 1001141208 SELFRIDGE 'A' Hodgeman County
# 1001141263 ALLRED Cowley County
# 1001141420 CUNNINGHAM B Kingman County
# 1001143140 THOMAS SEYB 1-27 Stanton County
# 1001146900 SETTER #1 GREEL Anderson County
# 1001149632 JUDY PLD Elk County
# 1001149837 FERGUSON BATTER Barber County
# 1001150191 BATTERY 1-23 Pratt County
# 1001151201 WILSON Stafford County
# 1001151282 LASSITER/PALLIS Rice County
# 1001151959 HARDING Montgomery County
# 1001151972 GOERING #1 Kingman County
# 1001175194 BUNKER S W D Trego County
# 1001175246 HOXIE STORAGE Sheridan County
# 1001175249 TANK Butler County
# 1001175251 HOXIE TANK YARD Sheridan County
# 1001175384 GREENSBURG Kiowa County
# 1001175490 NEWMAN STORAGE Sheridan County
# 1001175493 SWISHER Pratt County
# 1001175525 YARD Greenwood County
# 1001175547 STORAGE Finney County
# 1001175726 VEATCH Miami County
# 1001175974 RUSH SWD Trego County
# 1001176024 WIEDERHOLT R WH Anderson County
# 1001176107 BYERS STATION Pratt County
# 1001176274 ML TANK SWD Graham County
# 1001176312 JERRY HALL Wilson County
# 1001177510 ADAMS 9-1 Meade County
# 1001177812 MEGA DELIVERY Morton County
# 1001177909 ECK 3-10 Elk County
# 1003203339 KINSLER CTB Morton County
# 1008441193 MARTIN 1-H Marion County
# 1013358201 STEWART'S STORAGE Bourbon County
Wells Associated With Landowner
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 15-051-23097 JOHNSON-WEILERT 1 Ellis County KCC Fee Fund Plugging
# 15-205-70268 WING 2 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-70269 WING 3 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-70270 WING 1 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-70271 WING 2 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-70260 HALL 2 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-70261 HALL 3 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-70267 WING 1 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-209-19000 TURNER HIGH SCHOOL OW-1 Wyandotte County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-019-24083 COMSTOCK 1-B Chautauqua County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-091-20543 ANDERSON 1 Johnson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-091-19007 WEBER CARPET OW-1 Johnson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-091-19006 BURGER OW-1 Johnson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19123 PECK PEC-07 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19124 PECK PEC-08 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19125 PECK PEC-06 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19126 PECK PEC-01 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19127 PECK PEC-09 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19129 PECK PEC-10 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19130 PECK PEC-04 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19131 PECK PEC-03 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19132 PECK PEC-02 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19022 CITY OF FREDONIA 8 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19023 CITY OF FREDONIA I-63 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19024 CITY OF FREDONIA I-61 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19025 CITY OF FREDONIA I-62 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19026 CITY OF FREDONIA 2 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19027 CITY OF FREDONIA 1 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19028 CITY OF FREDONIA 3 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19029 CITY OF FREDONIA 4 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19031 CITY OF FREDONIA 10 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19032 CITY OF FREDONIA 11 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19030 CITY OF FREDONIA 9 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-19033 CITY OF FREDONIA 12 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-133-19128 PECK PEC-05 Neosho County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-121-19006 RAY CAYLOR 9 Miami County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-02844 Reichenberger OW2 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-02845 Reichenberger OW1 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-02876 JG OW 1 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-02878 JG OW 2 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-02877 JG OW 3 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-02879 JG OW 1 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-121-02659 OLD RESIDENTIAL 1 Miami County Producing
# 15-073-01788 FANKHAUSER 4 C-8 Greenwood County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-205-01297 MARY BRINKMAN 1 Wilson County Unknown
# 15-205-22565 HALL 1 Wilson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-037-01829 SMITH 2 Crawford County Inactive Well
# 15-037-01828 SMITH 1 Crawford County Inactive Well
# 15-107-20367 STROUP 31 B 12 Linn County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-091-19250 SUBURBAN LAWN AND GARDEN 1 Johnson County Plugged and Abandoned