Operator Summary Operator Name: Laurier Resc U S Production Dates on File: November 1982 to July 1983 1 Total Leases
Production By Month For Laurier Resc U S Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Laurier Resc U S oil and gas production between November 1982 and July 1983
Leases Associated With Laurier Resc U S Production Based on July 2024 Data Lease # Lease Name Location # 1001147635 FLESKE Pawnee County
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Lauck, D.R. Laughlin Dan Lauk, D.R. Oil Laura Drilling Co. Laura Jane Oil Laura Jane Oil Co Laura Jane Oil Co., Inc. Laurier Resources Laurier Resources (U.S.), Inc. Laurier Resources USA Lauth, Thomas A Law & Spear Law Production I Law Production, Inc. Law Ray
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Lauck, D.R. Laughlin Dan Lauk, D.R. Oil Laura Drilling Co. Laura Jane Oil Laura Jane Oil Co Laura Jane Oil Co., Inc. Laurier Resources Laurier Resources (U.S.), Inc. Laurier Resources USA Lauth, Thomas A Law & Spear Law Production I Law Production, Inc. Law Ray