Mapco Prod Compa Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Mapco Prod Compa
Production Dates on File: January 1980 to December 1984

7 Total Leases

Map of Wells Associated with Mapco Prod Compa
Leases Associated With Mapco Prod Compa
Production Based on August 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1001110263 DAVIS Morton County
# 1001156074 FINCHAM 1 Haskell County
# 1001160675 OBERLEY 'A' Morton County
# 1001160711 UNRUH Hamilton County
# 1001173752 KELLY Rice County
# 1001173756 LINKE Rice County
# 1001173760 SNIDER Stafford County