Maxam Inc Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Maxam Inc
Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available

63 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Maxam Inc
Wells Associated With Maxam Inc
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 15-001-27361 LEITZBACH 25 2 Allen County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-001-27368 FINNEY 35 15 Allen County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-001-27745 JACKSON 2 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27746 JACKSON 3 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-24767 R. F. REIBEL 1 Allen County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-001-24768 R. F. REIBEL 2 Allen County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-001-27358 Leitzbach 2-27 Allen County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-001-26681 JACKSON 6 Allen County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-001-26682 JACKSON 7 Allen County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-001-26683 JACKSON 8 Allen County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-001-27518 SOUTH FINNEY 404 Allen County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-001-27647 FINNEY NORTH 61 Allen County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-001-27648 FINNEY NORTH 65 Allen County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-001-27650 FINNEY NORTH 78 Allen County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-001-27698 SOUTH FINNEY 10 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27583 FINNEY NORTH 73 Allen County Converted to Producing Well
# 15-001-27587 FINNEY NORTH 34 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27617 H. GLADYS MH-7 Allen County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
# 15-001-27618 H. GLADYS MH-12 Allen County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
# 15-001-27632 SOUTH FINNEY 204 Allen County Recompleted
# 15-001-27616 H. GLADYS MH-2 Allen County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
# 15-001-27494 MANSON 2 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27523 LIMENSTOLL 21 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27536 LEIMENSTOLL 81 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27631 FINNEY NORTH 72 Allen County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-001-27491 LEIMENSTOLL 83 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27571 MILLER MH-7 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27787 BEEMAN 68 Allen County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
# 15-001-27702 FINNEY NORTH 43 Allen County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-001-27729 NELSON 3 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27731 NELSON 00 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27226 LASSMAN 45 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27227 LASSMAN 54 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27228 LASSMAN 61 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27492 NELSON 3 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27493 NELSON 4 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27495 MANSON 11 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27496 LEIMENSTOLL 31 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27497 LEIMENSTOLL 61 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27498 LEIMENSTOLL 67 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27499 LEIMENSTOLL 73 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27500 FINNEY NORTH 6 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27510 FINNEY NORTH 54 Allen County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-001-27490 LEIMENSTOLL 34 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27514 FINNEY NORTH 75 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27516 SOUTH FINNEY 24 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27522 LIMENSTOLL 1 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27527 LIMENSTOLL 23 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27529 LIMENSTOLL 7 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27530 LIMENSTOLL 27 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill