McCoy Petroleum Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: McCoy Petroleum
Production Dates on File: January 1980 to August 1996

82 Total Leases

Map of Wells Associated with McCoy Petroleum
Leases Associated With McCoy Petroleum
Production Based on July 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1001115328 FREELAND Kingman County
# 1001116247 LEWIS 'B' TWIN Harper County
# 1001125857 WILLIAMS 'C' Harper County
# 1001126198 MCMORAN 1 Comanche County
# 1001126669 CRAMER 'B' Harper County
# 1001126670 WILLIAM 'D' Harper County
# 1001130396 TRINKLE Pratt County
# 1001134436 CATLIN-MASNER Harper County
# 1001143526 RICHARDSON GW Kingman County
# 1001143854 WHITMER Kingman County
# 1001143967 MILLER D Harper County
# 1001145206 LEWIS 'B' Harper County
# 1001145299 EARLY 1 Kingman County
# 1001145300 KOHMAN Kingman County
# 1001145301 WELLS-TOWNER Kingman County
# 1001145915 WILLIAMS 'B' Harper County
# 1001146235 LEEPER 'A' Harper County
# 1001146399 WILLIAMS 'C' Harper County
# 1001146431 MCMORAN 1 Comanche County
# 1001146614 KOHMAN Kingman County
# 1001146660 WILLIAMS Harper County
# 1001146752 LAUTERBACH 02 Kingman County
# 1001147319 HONN Harper County
# 1001147321 CATLIN-MASNER Harper County
# 1001147623 EARLY Kingman County
# 1001147910 GRABBS Harper County
# 1001147911 GRABBS Harper County
# 1001148133 SLAGELL Harper County
# 1001148422 HOSTETLER Kingman County
# 1001148636 LATTIMORE Kingman County
# 1001148659 WESTERMAN Kingman County
# 1001148665 GATES Harper County
# 1001148799 SWINGLE N Kingman County
# 1001149094 CORNELIUS Kingman County
# 1001149339 RICHARDSON Kingman County
# 1001149529 CRAMER 'A' Harper County
# 1001151762 SINGLEY Seward County
# 1001157907 CASTLE Kingman County
# 1001158716 Gates Harper County
# 1001158718 FANNING Gas Unit Harper County
# 1001158739 EWERTZ Harper County
# 1001158743 NAFZIGER Harper County
# 1001158753 YODER Harper County
# 1001158755 NAFZIGER 'B' GAS Harper County
# 1001158756 WILSON Gas Unit Harper County
# 1001158757 WILLIAMS Harper County
# 1001158758 WHALEY Harper County
# 1001158783 DORA MILLER 2 Harper County
# 1001158788 HOLCOMB Harper County
# 1001158807 GREEN Harper County