Melander Drilling Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Melander Drilling
Production Dates on File: February 2010 to August 2016

1 Total Leases

12 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Melander Drilling
Leases Associated With Melander Drilling
Production Based on July 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1001107556 EVANS Montgomery County
Wells Associated With Melander Drilling
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 15-125-20736 EVANS O-1 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-20737 EVANS O-2 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-21006 EVANS O-3 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-21029 EVANS O-4 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-21231 EVANS O-5 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-21239 EVANS O-7 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-23292 EVANS O-9 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-27357 EVANS 10 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-31777 Evans 8 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-21232 EVANS D-6 Montgomery County Unplugged Former Injection Well
# 15-125-21232 EVANS 6 D Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-32482 BOLTE 1 Montgomery County Inactive Well