Montgomery County Crude Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Montgomery County Crude
Address: 220 W. MAIN
Production Dates on File: February 1980 to June 1996

4 Total Leases

43 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Montgomery County Crude
Leases Associated With Montgomery County Crude
Production Based on July 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1001125054 EASTEP Montgomery County
# 1001129086 BEURSKENS Montgomery County
# 1001129422 PETERSON Montgomery County
# 1001129731 SMITH Montgomery County
Wells Associated With Montgomery County Crude
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 15-125-24236 CRAIN 'B' 3 HORNBACK Montgomery County Converted to SWD Well
# 15-125-70332 ROSE OW-2 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-70331 ROSE OW-1 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-22190 DICKENS 1 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-22282 CLUBINE WEST 1 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-22393 CLUBINE 1 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-22423 DICKENS 2 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-22807 PETERSEN 1 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-22808 PETERSEN 2 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-23411 BEURSKENS 1 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-23536 BEURSKENS 2 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-23537 MORRIS 2 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-23538 MORRIS 3 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-23550 PETERSEN 3 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-23731 PETERSEN 4 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-23732 PETERSEN 5 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-24183 BARRY BEURSKENS 1 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-24421 BEURSKENS 3 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-24422 BUERSKENS 4 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-24423 PETERSEN 7 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-24424 PETERSEN 8 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-24425 PETERSEN 9 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-24426 PETERSEN 10 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-24427 PETERSEN 11 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-24520 PETERSEN 12 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-25299 MOLIDOR 1 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-25487 MOLIDOR 2 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-25879 SCHAPLOWSKY 2 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-26560 EASTEP 1-A Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-27676 PEOPLES STATE BANK 'A' 2 Montgomery County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-205-21131 WOLFE 1 Wilson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-125-22810 SMITH 5 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-22809 SMITH 4 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-27773 ROSE 1 Montgomery County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-125-24236 CRAIN 'B' 3 Montgomery County Converted to Producing Well
# 15-125-02411 PETERSON 6 Montgomery County Converted to Producing Well
# 15-125-24236 CRAIN 'B' 3 Montgomery County Inactive Well
# 15-125-02411 PETERSON 6 Montgomery County Inactive Well