Operator Summary Operator Name: Nichols, Edwin S. Expl., Inc. Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available 1 Total Wells
Wells Associated With Nichols, Edwin S. Expl., Inc. Production Based on July 2024 Data API # Well Name Location Status # 15-103-20918 COFFIN 2 Leavenworth County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Nichols Drilling Nichols Edwin S Expl Nichols Fluid Service, Inc. Nichols LLC Nichols Oil Corp. Nichols Prod Lim Nichols Well Pulling Service, A General Partnership Nichols, Les Nichols, Manford, A General Partnership Nichols, Orville B. Nicholson, Jack E. Nick Sage Nickell & Son Nickell & Son (Was Clifton Cook) Nickell & Son Oi
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Nichols Drilling Nichols Edwin S Expl Nichols Fluid Service, Inc. Nichols LLC Nichols Oil Corp. Nichols Prod Lim Nichols Well Pulling Service, A General Partnership Nichols, Les Nichols, Manford, A General Partnership Nichols, Orville B. Nicholson, Jack E. Nick Sage Nickell & Son Nickell & Son (Was Clifton Cook) Nickell & Son Oi