Oxford Exploration Co. Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Oxford Exploration Co.
Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available

22 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Oxford Exploration Co.
Wells Associated With Oxford Exploration Co.
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 15-083-20617 Bamberger 1 Hodgeman County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
# 15-047-20879 Hagewood 1 Edwards County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-047-21002 Hagewood 'A' 26-73 Edwards County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-051-23485 Kingsley 42-26 Ellis County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-051-23843 Befort 23-12-3 Ellis County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-051-24455 Pratt Fee 1 Ellis County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-057-20141 Torline 6-6 Ford County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-065-21297 FOUNTAIN 33-14 Graham County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-083-20723 Bamberger 25-3 Hodgeman County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-101-20581 Selfridge 10-5 Lane County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-101-20629 Roberts 3-13 Lane County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-179-20569 MILLEY 27-14 Sheridan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-179-20570 Kahle 23-35 Sheridan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-179-20699 GILCHRIST 19-31 Sheridan County Converted to EOR Well
# 15-195-20739 BUCHHOLZ 26-33 Trego County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-195-21087 Rogers 28-114 Trego County Recompleted
# 15-195-21360 RYAN 6-20 Trego County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-099-20883 RUTTGEN 1 Labette County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-039-20505 RICHARDS 21-1 Decatur County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
# 15-039-20506 RICHARDS 21-2 Decatur County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
# 15-039-20508 ANTHONY 16-15 Decatur County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
# 15-179-05234 MILEY 1 Sheridan County Injection Authorization Termina