Parrish, Willis D. Oil & Gas Wells in Kansas

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Parrish, Willis D.
Address: RR 3
IOLA, KS 66749
Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available

24 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Parrish, Willis D.
Wells Associated With Parrish, Willis D.
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 15-073-22323 PHILLIP SMITH 2 Greenwood County Federal Plugging Project
# 15-073-22345 PHILLIP SMITH 3 Greenwood County Federal Plugging Project
# 15-073-22827 PHILLIP SMITH 4 Greenwood County Federal Plugging Project
# 15-073-22829 PHILLIP SMITH 6 Greenwood County Federal Plugging Project
# 15-073-22830 PHILLIP SMITH 7 Greenwood County Federal Plugging Project
# 15-073-22828 PHILLIP SMITH 5 Greenwood County Federal Plugging Project
# 15-207-24407 FERREE 2 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24412 FERREE 3 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24457 FERREE 4 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24458 FERREE 5 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24459 FERREE 6 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24460 FERREE 7 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24631 FERREE 6 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24632 FERREE 7 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24871 MENTZER 1 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24873 MENTZER 3 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24874 MENTZER 4 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-25008 MENTZER B-1 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-25009 C. MENTZER 1 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-25349 MENTZER D-1 was A-2 Woodson County ON LIST
# 15-207-25385 MENTZER 3 Woodson County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-001-27542 TALLEY 4 Allen County Approved Intent to Drill
# 15-207-24397 FERREE 1 Woodson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 15-207-24872 MENTZER 2 Woodson County Plugged and Abandoned