Operator Summary Operator Name: U T I Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available 1 Total Wells
Wells Associated With U T I Production Based on July 2024 Data API # Well Name Location Status # 15-087-20267 JONES J 1-86 Jefferson County Plugged and Abandoned
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Tyro Oil-H. Graham Tyrok Tyrone Oil Tyrrell W C Tyson Dines U P G Inc U S Hydrocarbons Engrg U-N-I Exploratio U-N-I Exploration & Development, Inc. U. C. Stassen U. S. Energy Research U. S. Hydrocarbon U.S Army Corp Of Engineers U.S. Atomic Energy Commission U.S. Bureau
Other Kansas Operators List Alphabetically Tyro Oil-H. Graham Tyrok Tyrone Oil Tyrrell W C Tyson Dines U P G Inc U S Hydrocarbons Engrg U-N-I Exploratio U-N-I Exploration & Development, Inc. U. C. Stassen U. S. Energy Research U. S. Hydrocarbon U.S Army Corp Of Engineers U.S. Atomic Energy Commission U.S. Bureau