Lease Summary Lease Name: Stock Operator: Unknown County: Pawnee County, KS Production Dates on File: April 1991 to February 1994
Production By Month For Stock Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Stock oil and gas production between April 1991 and February 1994
Leases Near Stock Albert Quimby Unit 1-27 Lease Bell Lease Bell 1-27 Lease Carr 1-27 Lease Cossman Lease Hanshew A Lease Jones Lease Larned Unit (1) Lease Marie Lease Miles Lease Osbourn Lease Peterson R G Lease Stroble Lease Westoff R G Lease Wieman Lease
Leases Near Stock Albert Quimby Unit 1-27 Lease Bell Lease Bell 1-27 Lease Carr 1-27 Lease Cossman Lease Hanshew A Lease Jones Lease Larned Unit (1) Lease Marie Lease Miles Lease Osbourn Lease Peterson R G Lease Stroble Lease Westoff R G Lease Wieman Lease
Operators in the Area Abercrombie A L Ace Oil Company Berexco Incorpor Boger Brothers D Bristol Resource Citation Oil & Gas Corp. Davis Petroleum Derrick-Amer Oil Herman L. Loeb, LLC Hilliker Production Migwis Monarch Energy C Phillips Petrole Pickrell Drilling Company, Inc. Robert-Gay Energ
Operators in the Area Abercrombie A L Ace Oil Company Berexco Incorpor Boger Brothers D Bristol Resource Citation Oil & Gas Corp. Davis Petroleum Derrick-Amer Oil Herman L. Loeb, LLC Hilliker Production Migwis Monarch Energy C Phillips Petrole Pickrell Drilling Company, Inc. Robert-Gay Energ