Oil and Gas Leases in Phillips County, KS

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Phillips County, KS Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Phillips County, KS
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Pete'S Pond Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Pinkerton Phillips County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Quantz 'A' Phillips County, KS BENSON MINERAL G
Quanz 'A' Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Ray 'A' Phillips County, KS Patterson Energy LLC
Ray 'A' Phillips County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Ray 'B' Phillips County, KS Patterson Energy LLC
Ray 'B' Phillips County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Ray 'C' Phillips County, KS OXY USA Inc.
Ray C2,5 Phillips County, KS Patterson Energy LLC
Ray E Imm 'A' Phillips County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Ray Lact Phillips County, KS OXY USA Inc.
Raymond #1 Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Reese Phillips County, KS White & Ellis Drilling, Inc.
Reese 'E' Phillips County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Reese 'F' Phillips County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Reynolds Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Rodenbaugh Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Ross Phillips County, KS HANSEN DANE G TR
Rundle #1 Phillips County, KS Jerry Patterson Oil
Satter Phillips County, KS Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
Schluntz Phillips County, KS Graham-Michaelis Corporation
Schneider 'A' Phillips County, KS PETROLEUM MANAGE
Schneider 'B' Phillips County, KS PETROLEUM MANAGE
Scott 'A' Phillips County, KS LADD PETROLEUM C
Selbe Phillips County, KS KEESEE OIL COMPA
Seyler 'A' Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Seyler 'B' Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Seyler C-2 01 Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Seyler Lansing-Kansas City Unit Phillips County, KS EAGLE RIVER ENER
Seyler Unit Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Shaw Phillips County, KS Jerry Patterson Oil
Shaw 1 Phillips County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Slinker Phillips County, KS Johnson Oil, a General Partnership
Slinker Toronto Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Solt Phillips County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
South Kaiser Phillips County, KS Johnson Oil, a General Partnership
States 'A' Phillips County, KS OXY USA Inc.
States 'A' Phillips County, KS Patterson Energy LLC
States 'A' 1 Phillips County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
States 'A' 2 Phillips County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
States 'B' Phillips County, KS OXY USA Inc.
States Unit 1 Phillips County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Stephens Phillips County, KS Gore Oil Company
Stewart Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Stoneman Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Stuttgart Unit Phillips County, KS Petroleum Management, Inc.
Sutley Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Sutley 'A' 1 Phillips County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Sutley 'B' Phillips County, KS Petroleum Management, Inc.