Lease Summary Lease Name: Guldner Operator: Jayhawk Oil Comp County: Rice County, KS Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available
Leases Near Guldner Behnke 1-21 Lease Beneke 2-17 Lease Bronleewe 1-22 Lease Frees 1-20 Lease Freidley 1 Lease Janssen 1-16 Lease Kern Lease McAtee Lease Mylana Farm Inc Lease Rolfs 1-8 Lease Schoonvr TR1-21 Lease Schroeder Harts Lease Staatz Ab Lease Staatz-Schroede Lease Sturgeon Lease
Leases Near Guldner Behnke 1-21 Lease Beneke 2-17 Lease Bronleewe 1-22 Lease Frees 1-20 Lease Freidley 1 Lease Janssen 1-16 Lease Kern Lease McAtee Lease Mylana Farm Inc Lease Rolfs 1-8 Lease Schoonvr TR1-21 Lease Schroeder Harts Lease Staatz Ab Lease Staatz-Schroede Lease Sturgeon Lease
Operators in the Area Berexco LLC Darrah Oil Company, LLC Davis Petroleum, Inc. Fox, Don Grady Bolding Corporation K.J.S. Oil Petroleum Energy, Inc. Phillips Petrole Rama Operating Co., Inc. Reif Oil Operati RJM Company Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc. Tomkat, LTD. Vess Oil Corporation
Operators in the Area Berexco LLC Darrah Oil Company, LLC Davis Petroleum, Inc. Fox, Don Grady Bolding Corporation K.J.S. Oil Petroleum Energy, Inc. Phillips Petrole Rama Operating Co., Inc. Reif Oil Operati RJM Company Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc. Tomkat, LTD. Vess Oil Corporation