Lease Summary Lease Name: Eichman 'B' Operator: Schlobohm Starr County: Russell County, KS Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available
Leases Near Eichman 'B' Bender A Lease Bender C Lease Boomhower Lease Dawson Lease Dawson 'A' Lease Dietz Lease Dumler Lease Eichman 'B' Lease Eichman (B) Lease Galick Lease Galik Lease Hoffman Lease Hoffman #4 Lease Mollie Lease Mollie Lease
Leases Near Eichman 'B' Bender A Lease Bender C Lease Boomhower Lease Dawson Lease Dawson 'A' Lease Dietz Lease Dumler Lease Eichman 'B' Lease Eichman (B) Lease Galick Lease Galik Lease Hoffman Lease Hoffman #4 Lease Mollie Lease Mollie Lease
Operators in the Area Aleo Oil Company, LLC Becker, Lavern H & H Oil Compan Hewitt Energy Group, Inc. HG Oil Holdings, LLC Jason Oil Company, LLC KSC Oil Larrette Resources LRC Development Corporation Manning, Gregory Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. Popp Operating, Inc. Scheck Oil Operation Unknown Wren Investments
Operators in the Area Aleo Oil Company, LLC Becker, Lavern H & H Oil Compan Hewitt Energy Group, Inc. HG Oil Holdings, LLC Jason Oil Company, LLC KSC Oil Larrette Resources LRC Development Corporation Manning, Gregory Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. Popp Operating, Inc. Scheck Oil Operation Unknown Wren Investments