Oil and Gas Leases in Russell County, KS

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Russell County, KS Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Russell County, KS
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Borell B Russell County, KS Richlan Drilling, a General Partnership
Borell C Russell County, KS Richlan Drilling, a General Partnership
Borrell Russell County, KS Producers Oil Company
Borrell Russell County, KS Royal Drilling Inc
Bosch Russell County, KS V. Francis Weigel Family Partnership LLC
Bowlby Russell County, KS Manuel Corporation
Bowlby-Maupin Russell County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Boxberger Russell County, KS Petroleum Management, Inc.
Boxberger Russell County, KS Weigel Oil Company, LLC
Boxberger Russell County, KS unknown
Boxberger Russell County, KS OXY USA Inc.
Boxberger Russell County, KS Vonfeldt, Alan J
Boxberger Russell County, KS KSC Oil
Boxberger Russell County, KS STEINLE OIL - LA
Boxberger Russell County, KS Partners Petroleum Corp.
Boxberger Russell County, KS DAVIES & COMPANY
Boxberger Russell County, KS Owen's Pumping Service
Boxberger Russell County, KS Elmer L. Karst Oil, a General Partnership
Boxberger Russell County, KS West X, Inc.
Boxberger Russell County, KS STERLING PETROLE
Boxberger Russell County, KS Prospect Oil & Gas Corp
Boxberger Russell County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Boxberger Russell County, KS Owen's Pumping Service
Boxberger Russell County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Boxberger Russell County, KS SHIELDS OIL PROD
Boxberger 'A B' Russell County, KS American Warrior, Inc.
Boxberger 'A' Russell County, KS Hewitt Energy Group, Inc.
Boxberger 'A' Russell County, KS Kraft, Jim - Oil Operations
Boxberger 'A' Russell County, KS Fossil Creek Energy, LLC
Boxberger 'A' Russell County, KS PROSPECT OIL & G
Boxberger 'A' Russell County, KS J Carter Oil
Boxberger 'B' Russell County, KS G L M Company
Boxberger 'B' Russell County, KS Ginther Oil Operations, a General Partnership
Boxberger 'C' Russell County, KS Petroleum Property Services, Inc.
Boxberger 'C' Russell County, KS Talon Group LLC
Boxberger 'D' Russell County, KS PETROLEUM MANAGE
Boxberger (B) Russell County, KS Marmac Petroleum Company
Boxberger (C) Russell County, KS Royal Drilling Inc
Boxberger (C) 1 Russell County, KS Weigel Oil Company, LLC
Boxberger (D) Russell County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Boxberger 1-36 Russell County, KS H & D Exploration LLC
Boxberger B Russell County, KS Owen's Pumping Service
Boxberger B Russell County, KS Mid America Production Management, LLC
Boxberger C.'B' Russell County, KS Petroleum Property Services, Inc.
Boxberger Dan Russell County, KS HG Oil Holdings, LLC
Boxberger E Russell County, KS Mai Oil Operations, Inc.
Boxberger Geor Russell County, KS Fossil Creek Energy, LLC
Boxberger H. Russell County, KS KSC Oil
Boxberger Hen Russell County, KS Vantage Petroleum, Inc.
Boxberger J Russell County, KS Mar-Lou Oil Co., LLC