Lease Summary Lease Name: Armstrong L M R Operator: Lobo Production, Inc County: Sherman County, KS Production Dates on File: June 1985 to December 1996
Production By Month For Armstrong L M R Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Armstrong L M R oil and gas production between June 1985 and December 1996
Leases Near Armstrong L M R A.G. Armstrong 2-11 Lease Aitken 1-13 Lease Armstrong 01 Lease Armstrong 1-11a Lease Armstrong A G Lease Baldwin 1-7 Lease Dallman 1-10 Lease Dallman-Reams 2-10 Lease Dallman-Reams 4-10 Lease Dorn-Cook #2-11 Lease Hendrich 1-1 Lease Mitchek 2-7 Lease Rhoads 4-2 Lease Wolfe-Eyth 1-2 Lease Wolfe-Eyth 3-2 Lease
Leases Near Armstrong L M R A.G. Armstrong 2-11 Lease Aitken 1-13 Lease Armstrong 01 Lease Armstrong 1-11a Lease Armstrong A G Lease Baldwin 1-7 Lease Dallman 1-10 Lease Dallman-Reams 2-10 Lease Dallman-Reams 4-10 Lease Dorn-Cook #2-11 Lease Hendrich 1-1 Lease Mitchek 2-7 Lease Rhoads 4-2 Lease Wolfe-Eyth 1-2 Lease Wolfe-Eyth 3-2 Lease