Lease Summary Lease Name: Kelly Operator: Anadarko Petrole County: Stevens County, KS Production Dates on File: March 1988 to March 1993 1 Total Wells
Production By Month For Kelly Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Kelly oil and gas production between March 1988 and March 1993
Wells Associated With Kelly Production Based on July 2024 Data API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date # 15-189-21103 KELLY 'D' 1 ON LIST 1987-08-16 1987-10-19
Leases Near Kelly Armstrong 'B' 1 Lease Cunningham 2 Lease Graber Fee 1 Lease Herbel 'A' 1 Lease Herbel 'A' 1 Lease Herbel 'A' 4 Lease Kelly 'D' 1 Lease Kelly 'D' 2H Lease Matzen 'A' 1 Lease McCalip 'A' 1 H Lease R. L. Smith Unit 1 Lease Reed 'A' 1 Lease Reed 1 Lease Sherman I-2 Lease Smith 1 Lease
Leases Near Kelly Armstrong 'B' 1 Lease Cunningham 2 Lease Graber Fee 1 Lease Herbel 'A' 1 Lease Herbel 'A' 1 Lease Herbel 'A' 4 Lease Kelly 'D' 1 Lease Kelly 'D' 2H Lease Matzen 'A' 1 Lease McCalip 'A' 1 H Lease R. L. Smith Unit 1 Lease Reed 'A' 1 Lease Reed 1 Lease Sherman I-2 Lease Smith 1 Lease
Operators in the Area Anadarko Petroleum Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. Dorchester Hugot Edison Operating Company LLC Elm III Operating Company LLC EOG Resources, Inc. Exxonmobil Oil Corp Marsh Tom F Inco Merit Energy Company, LLC Oil Producers, Inc. Of Kansas Pantera Energy Company Scout Energy Management LLC Texaco Expl. And Prod. Inc. Wynn-Crosby Operating, LTD.
Operators in the Area Anadarko Petroleum Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. Dorchester Hugot Edison Operating Company LLC Elm III Operating Company LLC EOG Resources, Inc. Exxonmobil Oil Corp Marsh Tom F Inco Merit Energy Company, LLC Oil Producers, Inc. Of Kansas Pantera Energy Company Scout Energy Management LLC Texaco Expl. And Prod. Inc. Wynn-Crosby Operating, LTD.