Lease Summary Lease Name: McLaughlin Operator: Harold Production County: Sumner County, KS Production Dates on File: January 1986 to September 1996
Production By Month For McLaughlin Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to McLaughlin oil and gas production between February 1986 and September 1996
Leases Near McLaughlin Ballagh Lease Ballagh Southwest Lease Horton #1 Lease Horton Ella Lease McClaskey Lease McClaskey Lease McClaskey Lease McClaskey Lease McClaskey SW Lease McClaskey_#2 Lease McDaniel Lease McLaughlin Lease McLaughlin Lease Messenger/Humby Lease Vernon North2-5 Lease
Leases Near McLaughlin Ballagh Lease Ballagh Southwest Lease Horton #1 Lease Horton Ella Lease McClaskey Lease McClaskey Lease McClaskey Lease McClaskey Lease McClaskey SW Lease McClaskey_#2 Lease McDaniel Lease McLaughlin Lease McLaughlin Lease Messenger/Humby Lease Vernon North2-5 Lease
Operators in the Area Aupperle, Ron Bramble Oil Company Bravo Operations Drake Exploration, LLC Harman Drilling Harold Productio J-Mar Incorporat Jaed Production Co., Inc. Kiernan, Tom Lawson, Thelma McClaskey Hunting Preserve LLC Mega II Energy & Soverign Oil & G T & W Ward Oil, LLC Watson Petroleum
Operators in the Area Aupperle, Ron Bramble Oil Company Bravo Operations Drake Exploration, LLC Harman Drilling Harold Productio J-Mar Incorporat Jaed Production Co., Inc. Kiernan, Tom Lawson, Thelma McClaskey Hunting Preserve LLC Mega II Energy & Soverign Oil & G T & W Ward Oil, LLC Watson Petroleum