Oil and Gas Leases in Sumner County, KS

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Sumner County, KS Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Sumner County, KS
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Boyer 3-3 Sumner County, KS New Horizon Resources LLC
Boyer 6-3 Sumner County, KS New Horizon Resources LLC
Boyer 6-3 Sumner County, KS New Horizon Resources LLC
Bran-Martin Sumner County, KS Oil Property Management, Inc.
Brann-Martin Sumner County, KS Woods Oil
Broadhurst Sumner County, KS Double "D" Oil Company, Inc.
Brown 1 Sumner County, KS Burch Exploration, Inc.
Bruce Sumner County, KS Hummon Corporation
Bruce Sumner County, KS HUMMON CORPORATI
Bruce Sumner County, KS HUMMON CORPORATI
Bruce #3 Sumner County, KS B5 Operating, LLC
Buffington Sumner County, KS RANGE OIL COMPAN
Buffington Sumner County, KS MCNEISH OIL OPER
Buresh 17-1HM Sumner County, KS ELK Energy Holdings LLC
Buresh 17-1HM Sumner County, KS ELK Energy Holdings LLC
Burkhardt B Sumner County, KS B5 Operating, LLC
C H C Unit Sumner County, KS BEAR PETROLEUM
C. H. Wiles Sumner County, KS Buffalo Oil & Gas, LLC
Caldwell West Unit Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation
Caldwell West Unit Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation
Carter Sumner County, KS MACK ENERGY COMP
Carter A 1 Sumner County, KS AAS Oil Co., Inc.
Caster Sumner County, KS Woods Oil
Caster 'A' Sumner County, KS Woods Oil
Castholm Sumner County, KS Hummon Corporation
Catherine Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation
Catherine 1 Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation
Cecil Sumner County, KS JAY BOY OIL INCO
Chamberlain Sumner County, KS VIKING PETROLEUM
Chamberlain Sumner County, KS MARTEC PETROLEUM
Chamberlain (4) Sumner County, KS W.D. Short Oil Co., LLC
Chamberlain 26 Sumner County, KS VIKING PETROLEUM
Chandler 'B' Sumner County, KS DNR Oil and Gas, Inc.
Chandler A Sumner County, KS DNR Oil and Gas, Inc.
Chapman Sumner County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chapman A Sumner County, KS Faith Petroleum, Inc.
Chapman A Sumner County, KS Faith Petroleum, Inc.
Chapman B Sumner County, KS Pada Petroleum, Inc.
Chapman B Sumner County, KS Pada Petroleum, Inc.
Charlie 1-11 Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation
Child Sumner County, KS Younger Energy Company
Chitwood #1 Sumner County, KS AGV Corp.
Church Sumner County, KS Val Energy, Inc.
Cindy 3504 1-8H Sumner County, KS Destiny Petroleum LLC
Clarence Schmidt 10-1 Sumner County, KS Tomlinson, Sid
Clark Sumner County, KS BUCCANEER PETROL
Clark Sumner County, KS HAROLD PRODUCTIO
Clark Sumner County, KS EUFAULA ENTERPRI
Clark Sumner County, KS Herman L. Loeb, LLC
Clark 03 Sumner County, KS Mega Petroleum Corporation