Oil and Gas Leases in Sumner County, KS

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Sumner County, KS Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Sumner County, KS
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Clary Sumner County, KS Gressel Production, LLC
Clewell Farm 1- Sumner County, KS Eagle Creek Corporation
Clifton Sumner County, KS Bruce Oil Company, L.L.C.
Clifton B Sumner County, KS Bruce Oil Company, L.L.C.
Clifton Lease Sumner County, KS BRUCE OIL COMPAN
Coffman Sumner County, KS D & M Oil, Inc.
Coffman Sumner County, KS ARROWHEAD PETROL
Coggins Sumner County, KS SNR Operating, LLC
Cole Sumner County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Collinson Sumner County, KS Lively, James D.
Collinson Sumner County, KS JENKINS & SONS P
Collinson Sumner County, KS Jenkins & Sons Production, Inc.
Collinson #1 Sumner County, KS Jenkins, Don(deceased)Estate
Collinson #1 Sumner County, KS Jenkins, Don(deceased)Estate
Collinson 01 Sumner County, KS Geo-Sax Petroleum
Community #2 Sumner County, KS Buffalo Oil & Gas, LLC
Condiff 8-22H Sumner County, KS New Horizon Resources LLC
Condit Sumner County, KS CRAIG-STEPHFIELD
Conway Springs Unit Sumner County, KS Texaco Expl. and Prod. Inc.
Coral Stone Sumner County, KS DELHI PIPELINE
Cornelsen 'A' Sumner County, KS Anadarko Production Co.
Cornelsen 'B' Sumner County, KS Meredith Enterprises
Cottle Sumner County, KS BRANDT PROD COMP
Cowskin Creek 'G' Sumner County, KS Oil County Traders
Cowskin Creek B Sumner County, KS Gabel, Craig
Cowskin Creek C Sumner County, KS Gabel, Craig
Cowskin Creek D Sumner County, KS Gabel, Craig
Cowskin Creek E Sumner County, KS Gabel, Craig
Cowskin Creek Unit Sumner County, KS Oil County Traders
Creed Sumner County, KS HUMMON CORPORATI
Crenshaw Unit Sumner County, KS HG Oil Holdings, LLC
Crum 'C' Sumner County, KS Oil County Traders
Cully Sumner County, KS VANMAX EXPLORATI
Cully Sumner County, KS CHASE WELL SERVI
Cully Sumner County, KS CHASE EXPLORATIO
Cully Sumner County, KS AGV Corp.
Cully (1-20) Sumner County, KS Raney Oil Company, LLC
Cully Hattie Sumner County, KS CHASE EXPLORATIO
Curry Sumner County, KS PETRO DYNAMICS C
Curry A 1-32 Sumner County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Curry A 1-32 Sumner County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
D & L Hellar Sumner County, KS Knighton Oil Company, Inc.
Daley Sumner County, KS Gear Petroleum Company, Inc.
Dalrymple 01 Sumner County, KS C.D. Operating Company, Inc.
Dalrymple 1-17 Sumner County, KS C.D. Operating Company, Inc.
Davidson (1) Sumner County, KS D & A Oil Company, a General Partnership
Davis Sumner County, KS HUMMON CORPORATI
Davis Estate Sumner County, KS Partners in Crude, Inc.
Day Sumner County, KS T & W Ward Oil, LLC
Day 15-4 Sumner County, KS T & W Ward Oil, LLC