Oil and Gas Leases in Sumner County, KS

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Sumner County, KS Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Sumner County, KS
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Fall Creek T-1 Sumner County, KS Pioneer Exploration Co.
Fall Creek T-3 Sumner County, KS Pioneer Exploration Co.
Fall Creek T-4 Sumner County, KS Pioneer Exploration Co.
Fall Creek Unit Sumner County, KS Atlas Operating LLC
Fall Creek Unit Sumner County, KS Pioneer Exploration, LLC
Fannie Brooks Sumner County, KS B5 Operating, LLC
Farm Storage Sumner County, KS D & A Oil Company, a General Partnership
Ferguson O Sumner County, KS Phillips Oil Properties Inc.
Fesser Sumner County, KS J D OPERATING CO
Fincham Sumner County, KS BULLSEYE PETROLE
Forbeck Sumner County, KS JENKINS & BROYLE
Forbeck (1) Sumner County, KS Endeavor Energy Resources, LP
Forney Sumner County, KS Raymond Oil Company, Inc.
Forney 'B' Sumner County, KS RAYMOND OIL COMP
Forster 1-8H Sumner County, KS SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
Forster 1-8H Sumner County, KS SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
Frank Dyal Sumner County, KS Drake Exploration, LLC
Franklin Sumner County, KS DAWSON-MARKWELL
Frankum Sumner County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Frantz Sumner County, KS Farmer, John O., Inc.
Frazier Sumner County, KS SNR Operating, LLC
Friess Sumner County, KS ALLAM KEVIN T OI
Fullmer Sumner County, KS DUNNE-GARDNER PE
Gardiner Sumner County, KS HG Oil Holdings, LLC
Gardner (1) Sumner County, KS CAMIO OIL COMPAN
Gerberding Sumner County, KS Vess Oil Corporation
Gifford Sumner County, KS VINCENT OIL CORP
Gifford Sumner County, KS Buffalo Oil & Gas, LLC
Glenn Charles R Sumner County, KS G & S Operating Co.
Goheen Sumner County, KS MACK ENERGY COMP
Good Sumner County, KS MACK ENERGY COMP
Goodpasture Sumner County, KS HUMMON CORPORATI
Green 342-13 Sumner County, KS Green Enterprises
Gressel Sumner County, KS Bear Petroleum, LLC
Gurley Sumner County, KS Nemaha Ridge, LLC
H. C. Rutter Sumner County, KS Buffalo Oil & Gas, LLC
H. D. Miller Sumner County, KS Buffalo Oil & Gas, LLC
H. H. Thiessen Sumner County, KS Anstine & Musgrove Inc.
Hackney Sumner County, KS WHEATLAND OIL &
Hackney 1 Sumner County, KS M M Energy, Inc.
Haines Sumner County, KS MARATHON OIL COM
Halberstadt Sumner County, KS CAMIO OIL COMPAN
Hamel Sumner County, KS Chieftain Oil Co., Inc.
Harbaugh Sumner County, KS GLM Energy, Inc.
Hardesty Sumner County, KS HG Oil Holdings, LLC
Hare A-1 Sumner County, KS Meyer, Theodore J.
Harper Sumner County, KS Val Energy, Inc.
Harper Sumner County, KS Hummon Corp.
Harper 1-17 Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation
Harper 1-17 Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation