Oil and Gas Leases in Sumner County, KS

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Sumner County, KS Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Sumner County, KS
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Jenny 3404 2-18H Sumner County, KS APEX Resources LLC
Jenny 3404 3-18H Sumner County, KS APEX Resources LLC
Jenny 3404 3-18H Sumner County, KS APEX Resources LLC
Jeromy 1-26H Sumner County, KS Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.
Jeromy 1-26H Sumner County, KS Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.
Jewel 1-5 Sumner County, KS Drake Exploration, LLC
Jindra 'A' Sumner County, KS ANADARKO PROD
Jochems Sumner County, KS WATSON PETROLEUM
John 3404 1-20H Sumner County, KS Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.
John 3404 1-20H Sumner County, KS Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.
Jones Sumner County, KS MARATHON OIL COM
Jones #1 Sumner County, KS Bowman, Galela M and Burgess, Leroy
Jordan Sailor 1 Sumner County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Jordan Sailor_1 Sumner County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Jordon Trust Sumner County, KS STELBAR OIL CORP
K. U Sumner County, KS JENKINS & BROYLE
Karl 1-8 Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation
Keefe Sumner County, KS T & W Ward Oil, LLC
Kerschen Unit Sumner County, KS Val Energy, Inc.
Kerschen Unit Sumner County, KS Val Energy, Inc.
King Sumner County, KS B5 Operating, LLC
King Sumner County, KS GLM Energy, Inc.
Kleier Sumner County, KS Rockin 'A' Oil
Kleier (B) Sumner County, KS Rockin 'A' Oil
Kleier Townsite Sumner County, KS Buffalo Oil & Gas, LLC
Kline #1 Sumner County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Kline 1-28 Sumner County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Kloekorn Sumner County, KS Buccaneer Petroleum
Knowlton 'C' Sumner County, KS Bear Petroleum, LLC
Kolarick 1-6 Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation
Kolarik Sumner County, KS Schulein Company LLC
Kolarik G-1 Sumner County, KS Union Valley Petroleum Corporation
Kraus Sumner County, KS Don Knapp - Oil Production
Kreidler Sumner County, KS DAWSON-MARKWELL
Kreidler Sumner County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Kreidler (3-17) Sumner County, KS McCoy Petroleum Corporation
Kreidler A Sumner County, KS DAWSON-MARKWELL
Kubik 1 Sumner County, KS Thresher Energy, Inc.
Kubik 1 Sumner County, KS Thresher Energy, Inc.
Kuhn D Sumner County, KS Gabel, Craig
L. Gassoway Sumner County, KS Beren Corporation
Lakey Sumner County, KS Phillips Oil Properties Inc.
Lange Sumner County, KS Herman L. Loeb, LLC
Lange (1) Sumner County, KS Val Energy, Inc.
Lange 1 Sumner County, KS Bear Petroleum, LLC
Latimer Sumner County, KS Bear Petroleum, LLC
Latimer #4 Sumner County, KS Robinowitz Oil Company, a General Partnership
Latimer 2a Sumner County, KS Robinowitz Oil Company, a General Partnership
Latta 'A' 5 Sumner County, KS Jordan Oil Management Inc.
Latta (A) Sumner County, KS Jordan Oil Management Inc.