Lease Summary Lease Name: Adelgren Operator: Ampet Incorporat County: Wilson County, KS Production Dates on File: November 1987 to December 1994
Production By Month For Adelgren Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Adelgren oil and gas production between November 1987 and December 1994
Leases Near Adelgren Brubaker Tom Lease Butler Lease Clair H Dulin Lease Fawl Lester Lease Finley, J. Kent 30-1 Lease Larson Carl Lease Nelson Lease Orr Lease R. Varner Lease Thorsell Lease Thorsell 'B' Lease Thorsell 'C' Lease Varner Lease Varner (B) Lease Walter & Nina S Lease
Leases Near Adelgren Brubaker Tom Lease Butler Lease Clair H Dulin Lease Fawl Lester Lease Finley, J. Kent 30-1 Lease Larson Carl Lease Nelson Lease Orr Lease R. Varner Lease Thorsell Lease Thorsell 'B' Lease Thorsell 'C' Lease Varner Lease Varner (B) Lease Walter & Nina S Lease
Operators in the Area 4D Oil LLC Arco Energies In Biron Incorporat Blue Mountain Co Estoril Producin J-V Oil, LLC Little Joe'S Oil Company Lockhart Oil LLC Marshall Oil, LLC Phillips J L Oil Phillips, Jerry L. Oil & Ind. Supply, Inc. River Rock Operating, LLC Southwind Exploration, LLC Viva International, Inc. Ward Oil Co.
Operators in the Area 4D Oil LLC Arco Energies In Biron Incorporat Blue Mountain Co Estoril Producin J-V Oil, LLC Little Joe'S Oil Company Lockhart Oil LLC Marshall Oil, LLC Phillips J L Oil Phillips, Jerry L. Oil & Ind. Supply, Inc. River Rock Operating, LLC Southwind Exploration, LLC Viva International, Inc. Ward Oil Co.