Lease Summary Lease Name: May John Operator: Teko Oil & Gas I County: Woodson County, KS Production Dates on File: March 1982 to August 1984
Production By Month For May John Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to May John oil and gas production between March 1982 and August 1984
Leases Near May John Ellis Lease Haen Donald Lease Haen Donald 'B' Lease Jasper Lease Link Lease Maher East Lease Maher John Lease Maher John Lease Maher West Lease Maher West 'C' Lease Margaret Long Lease McNett T.L. Lease Scheibmeir Lease Strahm Lease Woods Lease
Leases Near May John Ellis Lease Haen Donald Lease Haen Donald 'B' Lease Jasper Lease Link Lease Maher East Lease Maher John Lease Maher John Lease Maher West Lease Maher West 'C' Lease Margaret Long Lease McNett T.L. Lease Scheibmeir Lease Strahm Lease Woods Lease
Operators in the Area Altavista Energy, Inc. Birk Petroleum Birk, Linda Bruner, Richard C. Duke Oil & Gas Company, LLC L & M Oil Laymon Oil II, LLC Leedy Oil Produc M & W Oil Compan Morris, Dean Oil Drillers & D Ron-Bob Oil LLC Russell James E Scheibmeir, Daryl Talley Resources
Operators in the Area Altavista Energy, Inc. Birk Petroleum Birk, Linda Bruner, Richard C. Duke Oil & Gas Company, LLC L & M Oil Laymon Oil II, LLC Leedy Oil Produc M & W Oil Compan Morris, Dean Oil Drillers & D Ron-Bob Oil LLC Russell James E Scheibmeir, Daryl Talley Resources