Lease Summary Lease Name: Newby 'A' Operator: Koepke Oscar Est County: Woodson County, KS Production Dates on File: May 1980 to July 1981
Production By Month For Newby 'A' Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Newby 'A' oil and gas production between May 1980 and July 1981
Leases Near Newby 'A' Brewer Lease Gleue Lease Keske C. Lease Laymon Lease Light Lease Light (Edwards) Lease Newby 1-12 Lease Newby N. Jr Lease Rich (Vernon) Lease Robison Lease Shepard Lease Slate Lease Tannahill Lease Tannahill Lease Tannahill Ceci Lease
Leases Near Newby 'A' Brewer Lease Gleue Lease Keske C. Lease Laymon Lease Light Lease Light (Edwards) Lease Newby 1-12 Lease Newby N. Jr Lease Rich (Vernon) Lease Robison Lease Shepard Lease Slate Lease Tannahill Lease Tannahill Lease Tannahill Ceci Lease
Operators in the Area Birk Petroleum Birk, Linda Coen Energy Corporation Greer, Joseph V. Kilby, M. T. Laymon Oil Company Laymon Oil II, LLC Leis, VIctor J. Maple Grove Oil Monarch Energy LLC Oakridge Enterpr Owens Petroleum LLC Sowle Exploratio Tutcher Oil & Ga Unknown
Operators in the Area Birk Petroleum Birk, Linda Coen Energy Corporation Greer, Joseph V. Kilby, M. T. Laymon Oil Company Laymon Oil II, LLC Leis, VIctor J. Maple Grove Oil Monarch Energy LLC Oakridge Enterpr Owens Petroleum LLC Sowle Exploratio Tutcher Oil & Ga Unknown