Lease Summary Lease Name: Timm Katherine Operator: Haas, Mark L. County: Woodson County, KS Production Dates on File: February 1980 to May 1998
Production By Month For Timm Katherine Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Timm Katherine oil and gas production between February 1980 and May 1998
Leases Near Timm Katherine C. Smith Lease Cummings Lease Cummings 'B' Lease Cummings A Lease Curtis Abbey Lease Kee Lease Leis F A Lease Lewis (North) Lease Light Elmer Lease Smith (Pringle) Lease Smith Tom Lease Smith-Smith-Poi Lease Splechter Lease Stockebrand Wendel Lease Timm Lease
Leases Near Timm Katherine C. Smith Lease Cummings Lease Cummings 'B' Lease Cummings A Lease Curtis Abbey Lease Kee Lease Leis F A Lease Lewis (North) Lease Light Elmer Lease Smith (Pringle) Lease Smith Tom Lease Smith-Smith-Poi Lease Splechter Lease Stockebrand Wendel Lease Timm Lease
Operators in the Area Bishop Oil & Exp C & H Oil Compan CMT Petro Resources, Inc. Double L Drilling Laymon Oil II, LLC Leis, John E. Leis, VIctor J. Manske, Robert W. McFadden Oil Co. Owens Oil Company, LLC Prospect Oil Ser R L B Energy Com Red Cloud Exploration Operating LLC Smith Oil Compan Splechter, Tim
Operators in the Area Bishop Oil & Exp C & H Oil Compan CMT Petro Resources, Inc. Double L Drilling Laymon Oil II, LLC Leis, John E. Leis, VIctor J. Manske, Robert W. McFadden Oil Co. Owens Oil Company, LLC Prospect Oil Ser R L B Energy Com Red Cloud Exploration Operating LLC Smith Oil Compan Splechter, Tim