Oil and Gas Leases in Woodson County, KS

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Woodson County, KS Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Woodson County, KS
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
McBride Woodson County, KS Verde Oil Company
McClaskey Woodson County, KS R. P. Nixon Operations, Inc
McClaskey J W Woodson County, KS FRENCH R E OIL C
McColt Woodson County, KS Laymon Oil II, LLC
McCormick Woodson County, KS BOWLES M M
McGuire WM Woodson County, KS EVANS OIL D W -
McHone Woodson County, KS Laymon Oil II, LLC
McNett T.L. Woodson County, KS L & M Oil
McNitt Anna L. Woodson County, KS Kanalta Resources, Ltd.
McNitt Gary Woodson County, KS Hall Oil Company
Mears Woodson County, KS ZOANDRA PETROLEU
Mears 'A' Woodson County, KS Mears, John C.
Mears 'B' Woodson County, KS Mears, John C.
Mears-McGregor Woodson County, KS Mears, John C.
Meats Warren Woodson County, KS MEATS WARREN DAV
Mentzer Woodson County, KS MENTZER KEITH W
Mildred Hiestan Woodson County, KS Seymour Oil Co., Inc.
Millard Cress Woodson County, KS Owens Oil Company, LLC
Miller Woodson County, KS Daylight Petroleum, LLC
Mills Woodson County, KS Trimble & Maclaskey Oil LLC
Mize Woodson County, KS Laymon Oil II, LLC
Mo Pac Woodson County, KS Birk, Linda
Moon Woodson County, KS LEE DONNA OIL CO
Moon Woodson County, KS DOTSON FLOYD
Morris Riley Woodson County, KS Specht, Brian L.
Morrison Woodson County, KS C M & L OIL COMP
Mrs Milton Nels Woodson County, KS Chriestenson Oil LLC
Muriel Beine Woodson County, KS Leis Oil Services, LLC
Murray Woodson County, KS NEWLAND OIL COMP
Murray Twins Woodson County, KS RJ Energy, LLC
N & S Estep Woodson County, KS Onnen, Gerhard E.
Nelson Woodson County, KS BALLARD LANCE E
Nelson Woodson County, KS L & B Crude, Inc.
Nelson Woodson County, KS Ron-Bob Oil LLC
Nelson Dale Woodson County, KS Norstar Petroleum, Inc.
Neville Woodson County, KS unknown
Neville Cleatus Woodson County, KS Folk, John R.(deceased)
Newby Woodson County, KS SOWLE EXPLORATIO
Newby Woodson County, KS unknown
Newby 'A' Woodson County, KS KOEPKE OSCAR EST
Newby (BB) Woodson County, KS Coen Energy Corporation
Newby 1-12 Woodson County, KS Laymon Oil II, LLC
Newby N. Jr Woodson County, KS Monarch Energy LLC
Nittler Woodson County, KS Owens Oil Company, LLC
Noel Jackson Woodson County, KS CK Oil
Nordemeyer Woodson County, KS Trimble & Maclaskey Oil LLC
Norman Yoho Woodson County, KS Bollinger, Jerald
North Bennett Woodson County, KS Legend Oil & Gas Ltd.
North Darrell E Woodson County, KS Chriestenson Oil LLC
Nusz Woodson County, KS UPLAND RESOURCES