
Lease Summary
Lease Name: Muslow
Operator: C. M. Frizzell
County: Caddo Parish, LA
Production Dates on File: August 1978 to January 2003

4 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Muslow
Wells Associated With Muslow
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 17-017-22583 MUSLOW B 043 ACTIVE - PRODUCING 1978-06-13
# 17-017-22584 MUSLOW B 046 ACTIVE - PRODUCING 1978-06-15
# 17-017-23150 MUSLOW B 047 ACTIVE - PRODUCING 1979-10-26
# 17-017-23151 MUSLOW B 052 ACTIVE - PRODUCING 1979-10-28