Lease Summary Lease Name: Vub Operator: McGoldrick & Watson County: Catahoula Parish, LA Production Dates on File: January 1977 to December 1984 1 Total Wells
Production By Month For Vub Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Vub oil and gas production between January 1977 and August 1984
Wells Associated With Vub Production Based on June 2024 Data API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date # 17-025-20265 VUB;HUMBLE-TENSAS DELTA 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1969-10-15
Leases Near Vub BBR Sue;Humble Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Humble-Tensas Delta Lease Humble-Tensas Delta Lease Vua Lease WX A Ra Su123;Hum-TNS-Delta Lease WX A Ra Su128;Exxon-Tensas Del Lease WX C Ra Su10;Humble-Ten Delta Lease WX C Ra Su12;Exxon-Ten Delta Lease WX C Ra Sugg;Exxon-Tensas Delt Lease WX G Ra Su11;Exxon-Ten Delta Lease
Leases Near Vub BBR Sue;Humble Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Exxon-Tensas Delta Lease Humble-Tensas Delta Lease Humble-Tensas Delta Lease Vua Lease WX A Ra Su123;Hum-TNS-Delta Lease WX A Ra Su128;Exxon-Tensas Del Lease WX C Ra Su10;Humble-Ten Delta Lease WX C Ra Su12;Exxon-Ten Delta Lease WX C Ra Sugg;Exxon-Tensas Delt Lease WX G Ra Su11;Exxon-Ten Delta Lease
Operators in the Area Domestic Oil Producers,Inc. Four Rivers Exploration, Inc. Hassie Hunt Expl. Company Houston Oil & Minerals Corp. Hunt Oil Company JMR Oil, Inc. M & S Production, Inc. McGoldrick Oil Co. Owl Creek Production Co., Inc. Par Minerals Corporation Reliance Trusts Seagull Operating Co., Inc. Tensas Delta Land Company Wagner Oil Company Wilcox Operating Corporation
Operators in the Area Domestic Oil Producers,Inc. Four Rivers Exploration, Inc. Hassie Hunt Expl. Company Houston Oil & Minerals Corp. Hunt Oil Company JMR Oil, Inc. M & S Production, Inc. McGoldrick Oil Co. Owl Creek Production Co., Inc. Par Minerals Corporation Reliance Trusts Seagull Operating Co., Inc. Tensas Delta Land Company Wagner Oil Company Wilcox Operating Corporation