Lease Summary Lease Name: C H Allen Operator: TWC Oil Company County: Lasalle Parish, LA Production Dates on File: January 1977 to January 1986 1 Total Wells
Production By Month For C H Allen Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to C H Allen oil and gas production between January 1977 and December 1985
Wells Associated With C H Allen Production Based on June 2024 Data API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date # 17-059-20472 C H ALLEN SWD 001 ACTIVE- INJECTION 1968-12-08
Leases Near C H Allen Allen A Lease Jack Allen Lease Jack Allen Et Al Lease WX A Ra Su35;Allen A Lease WX A Ra Su38;Allen A Lease WX A Ra Su39; Lease WX C Ra Su34;C H Allen Lease WX C Ra Su35;Allen A Lease WX E Ra Su38;Jack Allen Lease WX F Ra Su34;C H Allen Lease WX F Ra Su39;Jack Allen Lease WX G Ra Su34;C H Allen Lease WX G Ra Su35;Allen A Lease WX G Ra Su38;Allen A Lease WX H Ra Su39;J Allen Et Al Lease
Leases Near C H Allen Allen A Lease Jack Allen Lease Jack Allen Et Al Lease WX A Ra Su35;Allen A Lease WX A Ra Su38;Allen A Lease WX A Ra Su39; Lease WX C Ra Su34;C H Allen Lease WX C Ra Su35;Allen A Lease WX E Ra Su38;Jack Allen Lease WX F Ra Su34;C H Allen Lease WX F Ra Su39;Jack Allen Lease WX G Ra Su34;C H Allen Lease WX G Ra Su35;Allen A Lease WX G Ra Su38;Allen A Lease WX H Ra Su39;J Allen Et Al Lease
Operators in the Area Axis Onshore, LP Baxter Drill. & Explor., Inc. Belle Exploration, Inc. Deco Oil Co. Delta Petroleum, Inc. Hogan Exploration, Inc. Hunt Petroleum Corp. J Gould Gardner-West Bullock Justiss Oil Co Inc-Munoco Co K Wilson Enterprises Inc. L.C. Coon Production Co. Munoco Company Smith Operating & MGMT Co Trident Oil And Gas Corp. TWC Oil Company, Inc.
Operators in the Area Axis Onshore, LP Baxter Drill. & Explor., Inc. Belle Exploration, Inc. Deco Oil Co. Delta Petroleum, Inc. Hogan Exploration, Inc. Hunt Petroleum Corp. J Gould Gardner-West Bullock Justiss Oil Co Inc-Munoco Co K Wilson Enterprises Inc. L.C. Coon Production Co. Munoco Company Smith Operating & MGMT Co Trident Oil And Gas Corp. TWC Oil Company, Inc.