Lease Summary Lease Name: Deville Et Al Operator: Lloyd Deville County: Lasalle Parish, LA Production Dates on File: October 1991 to July 1993 1 Total Wells
Production By Month For Deville Et Al Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Deville Et Al oil and gas production between October 1991 and October 1991
Wells Associated With Deville Et Al Production Based on June 2024 Data API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date # 17-059-24305 WX D RB SU17;DEVILLE ET AL 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1989-10-22
Leases Near Deville Et Al Deville Lease Deville Lease Shapiro Lease Vud Lease Wint Francis Lease WX D RB Su16;Hutson Lease WX D RB Su19;Hutson Lease WX E RB Su12;Gray Lease WX E RB Su20; Lease WX E RB Su20;Deville Lease WX F RB Su17;Deville Et Al Lease WX F RB Su19;Shapiro Lease WX G RB Su12;Gray Lease WX G RF Sur;Gray Lease WX H RB Su16;Hutson Lease
Leases Near Deville Et Al Deville Lease Deville Lease Shapiro Lease Vud Lease Wint Francis Lease WX D RB Su16;Hutson Lease WX D RB Su19;Hutson Lease WX E RB Su12;Gray Lease WX E RB Su20; Lease WX E RB Su20;Deville Lease WX F RB Su17;Deville Et Al Lease WX F RB Su19;Shapiro Lease WX G RB Su12;Gray Lease WX G RF Sur;Gray Lease WX H RB Su16;Hutson Lease
Operators in the Area Cross Development Co. Deco Oil Co. G.G. Cornwell George T Hutson Hunt Petroleum Corp. Justiss-Mears Oil Co. Neil Thompson Consulting Inc. Reliance Petroleum Corporation Reliance Trusts S.H. Loe Oil Corp. Seagull Operating Co., Inc. Senior G&A Operating Co Inc Tundra Energy TWC Oil Company XTO Energy Inc.
Operators in the Area Cross Development Co. Deco Oil Co. G.G. Cornwell George T Hutson Hunt Petroleum Corp. Justiss-Mears Oil Co. Neil Thompson Consulting Inc. Reliance Petroleum Corporation Reliance Trusts S.H. Loe Oil Corp. Seagull Operating Co., Inc. Senior G&A Operating Co Inc Tundra Energy TWC Oil Company XTO Energy Inc.