A. R. Wherrett Trustees Oil & Gas Wells in Louisiana

Operator Summary
Operator Name: A. R. Wherrett Trustees
Production Dates on File: January 1977 to January 1987

7 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with A. R. Wherrett Trustees
Wells Associated With A. R. Wherrett Trustees
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 17-017-00000 REID REYNOLDS 004 Caddo Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-017-10181 REID REYNOLDS 005 Caddo Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-017-00000 REID REYNOLDS 005A Caddo Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-017-10184 REID REYNOLDS 006 Caddo Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-017-10185 REID REYNOLDS 007 Caddo Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-017-10186 REID REYNOLDS 008 Caddo Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-017-10190 REID REYNOLDS 012 Caddo Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED